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9th International Undergraduate Symposium
Ege University, Faculty of Letters, Izmir, TURKEY
March 21-22, 2019
"I swear I think there is nothing but immortality! / That the exquisite scheme is for it, and the nebulous float is for it, / and the cohering is for it! / And all preparation is for it—and identity is for it—and life and / materials are altogether for it!” declares Walt Whitman in his magnum opus Leaves of Grass thus stressing the eternal desire for unending existence. Throughout the history of humankind, one of the most powerful aspirations has been to achieve immortality. The Departments of American Culture and Literature and English Language and Literature proudly presents its 9th International Undergraduate Symposium (IUS) entitled “Immortality” in literature and culture. The main goal of IUS is not only to bring together the undergraduate students to provide them a platform where they can submit their works but also to offer an early academic participation via this unique experience. The 9th IUS will mainly focus on the different approaches towards the subject of immortality in literature, language, history, popular culture and fine arts. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
-Immortality in Literature
-Ecocriticism/Nature and Immortality
-Immortality in Visual Arts
-Poetics of Immortality
-Immortality in Popular Culture
-Ethics, Moral Values and Immortality
-Mythology, Religion and Immortality
-Gender and Immortality
-Race, Ethnicity and Immortality
-Language and Immortality
-History, Politics and Immortality
-Immortality and Body
We sincerely invite you to become a participant of 9th IUS by sending your abstract of 250-300 words until January 25, 2019.
Please e-mail your proposal and a short BIO (50 words) to: Accepted papers will be announced by January 31, 2019. Please note that the language of the conference is English and the presentations should not exceed 15 minutes. The conference will take place at Conference Halls of Faculty of Letters, Ege University.
ORGANIZERS: Ege University, Department of American Culture and Literature, Department of English Language and Literature
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